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Ohhhhh yearhhhh...

anywho... how you celebrating it? :)
ive been listening to Pure My Chemical Romance for bout... 5 hours straight :)
yeah im that said. hahahahahaha :D:D
am offski to the cinemas tonight me thinks
I'm buying a Mikey Way poster (hmmm fuckinggg hot)
and I learnt two songs on bass :)... kinda
for more information, click INFORMATION
xoxoxoxo(p.s. this is a true holiday for me, if asked to do any work, coursework, band work, manager work, they can fuck off :) its like my st georges day hahahaha)
If i wrote a story, like a chapter per post, would yous all still read it? Or am i gunna get to chapter 8 and everyones like "OH FUCK YOOOOU!" and give upp? :)cause it'll shut richardson and paula up lolleave a comment with what you thinkplus, i have the photos from whitby off graceand todays been gurddd, been having a bad mood but its improving at least :)I never knew positive thinking, the chocolatte song and the sun could help! hahaxo
Well, as all of yous know... I'm still abit of a kid :)so, guess what i saw?!ICE AGE THREEEEEEEE :D:D:D:Domg twas beaut hahahatwas 3D too :)haha i gotta say... mint plotbasicly... manny and ellie are expecting an ickle baba WOO :Dand deago (?) is like "ahh nah, kids aint for me" so he goes offsid starts feeling like "welll.... you dont want me :(" goes off and finds some eggsso hes like ":D MY KIDSSSSS!" and eddie and crash are just still beaut :) anywhoo, sid's "kids" turn out to be baby t-rexs :Dand he gets taken away by the momma t-rexso all the gang go down under the ice and find the dinosaurs, where they meet buck... a weasel! so they go all the way to where the t-rex's raise there youngbut ellie goes into labour, so buck, eddie and crash go on to save sidmanny is busy fighting off dinosaurs (these guy type ones), and deago is keeping the other dinosaurs nearier to ellieand tbh, some of the puns in that part are redic! but anywhooo,i think its crash who is like "i promised myself i wouldnt cryyy" so eddie goes "i didnt, *massive cry* " :Ddeago crys too hehehe but momma t-rex kills this dude buck was living there forso buck was gunna return to the ice until he heard the cry and was like "HES ALIVEEEE :D" so he dont return backbut anywhoo, ellie and manny take their knew baby daughter peaches up to the snow where shes like "woooo!" but when sid first see's her this is how it goes :sid : ITS A BOYYY :Dmanny : thats the tailsid : ITS A GIRLLL :D hahaha, i suggest you all go see it hahahaits all so cuteOH AND THE SQUIRREL! gets a girlfriend (Y)and then leaves herfor the fucking nut!heheheheuntill next time i have summet to reviewfeel the need to review the review, i know its shiteeeee4/5 STARS
-who feels the need to argue and go below the belt with what they say, THANKS A FUCKING LOT! YOU JUST FUCKING RUINED A WHOLE WEEK OF GOOD MOOD! WHY THE FUCK DONT YOU FUCKING LEARN WHEN THE FUCK TO SHURRUP?! EH?! ITS BASTARDS LIKE YOU WHICH SHOULD JUST FUCK OFF OUT OF EVERYONES LIFE OR LEARN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! THANK FUCKING YOU! ahhh rant over :) hahayou know... i put 29 smiley faces into one bullitenim in a mint mood aint i? :) ooooh, gizza comment telling me whatta post